Livestreams of the People's Climate March
The following are the planned livestreams for viewing the People’s Climate March in New York City:
- from, with reporting from Hill Heat’s Brad Johnson, starting at 9:30 am
- official People’s Climate March feed, starting at 10:30 am
- Democracy Now feed from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
- StopMotionSolo, Occupy livestreamer
- Columbus Circle overhead webcam
The march is scheduled to begin at 11:30 am. Pre-march rallies begin at 9 am.
Pre-March Rallies
9:00 am—Parents & Kids Rally
Location: 66th Street and Central Park West
Description: Bringing little kids? Here’s what to bring: Strollers if your kid needs one, water, snacks, layers of clothing.
10:00 am—Climate Convergence
Location: 79th St and Central Park West
Description: Climate rebels, peace and justice advocates, and proponents of deep System Change will rally with the Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit. Rally will feature speakers, hip hop artists, song, Indigenous dance, and chants.
10:00 am—ALBA Countries Against Climate Change
Location: 79th Street and Central Park West
Description: Please join to the ALBA countries Against Climate Change. We will be marching with Claudia Salerno, Venezuela. Rene Orellana, Bolivia, both of them Presidential Special Envoy for Climate Change of their respective countries. Jaime Hermidas, deputy ambassador and chief negotiator for climate change Nicaragua.
10:00 am—Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Rally
Location: Central Park West between 73rd and 74th Street; Stage set up at 73rd Street.
Description: Dr. Arjun Mahkijani (IEER and author of Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free); Jessica Azulay (AGREE); Julia Walsh (Frack Action & New Yorkers Against Fracking); Tim Judson (NIRS); Leona Morgan (ENDAUM, Clean Up the Mines); Japanese activist Yuko Tonohira; Michael Mariotte, MC (NIRS). Perfomers include Raging Grannies, Joel Landy, Chiho Kaneko and more.
10:30 am—Scientist Rally outside Hayden Planetarium
Location: Central Park West between 81st and 82nd
Description: Scientists at the march will include Jim Powell, Executive Director of the National Physical Science Consortium; Klaus Jacob, a senior earth scientist at Columbia who also specializes in disaster risk management; Lucky Tran, the lead organizer of Science Stands; and more. They will gather to stand up against the attacks on climate science.
10:45 am—Labor Rally for Climate Justice
Location: On Broadway south of Columbus Circle, sound system at 57th Street.
Description: Thousands of union members and labor leaders will join the People’s Climate March labor rally.
11:00am—Interfaith Religious Service
Location: 58th Street between 8th & 9th Avenues, entry on 9th Avenue
Description: Participating will be Members from over 34 different denominations. The service will reflect this diversity, and include several musicians including cellist, Michael Fitzpatrick and Peter Yarrow. The service is expected to take 90 minutes, 11:00 – 12:30. The expected “step-off” time into the march is between 12:30 & 1:30.
11:15 am—Clean Energy Solutions Rally
Location: Central Park West between 75th and 76th
Description: The rally will include Dave Scott, Sierra Club president; Rep. Keith Ellison (MN); Danny Kennedy, solar energy company Sungevity Senior Vice President; Paula Swearingen, Mountaintop Removal activist; Emma Ruby-Sachs, Avaaz Campaigns Manager; Mike Brune, Sierra Club Executive Director; Jeffrey Sachs, Director of Earth Institute at Columbia University. The rally will highlight overwhelming support for clean energy solutions, including a 2 million person global petition. It will last approximately 25 minutes.
Hillary Clinton's Schedule at the Clinton Global Initiative 2014
Presidential spouse and contender Hillary Clinton has a busy agenda at the Clinton Global Initiative this year. She will open the conference on Monday and close it on Wednesday, with several appearances in between. Below is her public agenda:
- 6-8 PM Clinton Global Citizen Awards
- 12 PM Opening Plenary: opening conversation with Jim Yong Kim, President, World Bank Group and Ginni Rometty, Chairman, President, and CEO, IBM
- 5 PM Plenary on job training: remarks on the commitment announcements
- 8:45 AM Plenary on equality for girls on women: opening conversation with Bill Gates’ wife Melinda Gates
- 1:30 PM Breakout session: Filmed conversation with Sanjay Gupta on “investing in babies’ minds” with John McCain’s wife Cindy McCain, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, Children Television Workshop’s Rosemarie T. Truglio, Harlem Children’s Zone’s Geoffrey Canada
- 3:30 PM Closing Plenary: with Bill Clinton, astronauts Cady Coleman and Reid Wiseman, X PRIZE billionaire Peter H. Diamandis, Nelson Mandela widow Graça Machel
(President Barack Obama is scheduled to deliver brief remarks at approximately 2 PM on Tuesday, the day of the UN Climate Summit.)
Protesters Prepare to 'Occupy The UN' During Climate Summit
Occupy Wall Street activists are planning to “occupy” the United Nations Climate Summit.
According to Popular Resistance, a website associated with some members of the Occupy Wall Street collective in New York City, activists meeting in Zucotti Park agreed to attempt an occupation of the Dag Hammerskold Plaza in front of UN headquarters.
The civil disobedience assembly is scheduled to begin during the People’s Climate March taking place several blocks west on Sunday, September 21, and continue until the conclusion of the UN Climate Summit on Wednesday.
The text of the press release is below:
The Ad Hoc Committee to Occupy the Climate Summit announced plans at Zuccotti Park on S17 to occupy the UN beginning on Sunday. People can arrive during or after the People’s Climate March and the hope is to have people there 24/7 until the end of the UN climate meetings.OCCUPY THE U.N. CLIMATE SUMMIT
Join us at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
Between 46th & 47th Sts and 1st and 2nd Aves, across from U.N.
The Climate March is only the prelude
Throughout the day people will be leaving the March to assemble in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza across the avenue from the U.N. While it is impossible to predict how events there will unfold, there will be a significant number who will attempt to occupy the plaza for the duration of the U.N. Climate Summit, which ends on Wednesday, September 24.
This action is not intended to compete with the messages of either the People’s Climate March on Sunday or the FLOOD WALL STREET action the following day, Monday.
Please feel free to join any two or all three. All three actions amplify a common message:
The UN represents the nations of the world.
Nations are not people. They are political constructs that reflect the interests of those who keep them in power. WE ARE PEOPLE.
We want our presence felt throughout the Summit. We want the world to see our resolve and understand our sense of urgency.
People's Climate March Blocs
Below is a partial list of People’s Climate March blocs meeting before the march begins Sunday.
Indigenous People’s Gathering In Central Park next to Heckscher Playground, starting at 6:30 am
Labor Rally On Broadway, sound system at 57th Street Begins at 11 am.
Interfaith Religious Service On 58th Street, between 8th and 9th Ave. Begins at 11 am.
Food Justice On CPW at 71 St., north side of the intersection
Nuclear Free, Carbon Free On CPW at 73rd St., north side of the intersection
Sierra Club Solutions Rally On CPW at 75th St., north side of the intersection
Peace and Justice On CPW at 77 St., north side of the intersection
Anti-Fracking On CPW at 80th St., north side of the intersection
Science Stands At Hayden Planetarium, American Museum of Natural History (CPW & 81st)
Bike Bloc On CPW at 74th St, 10:30 am
For more information: (914) 719-6672
Pressed by Climate Activists, Microsoft Leaves American Legislative Exchange Council
Computing giant Microsoft has left the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative lobbying group that promotes climate change denial and opposes renewable energy, a coalition of climate-activist investors announced today. The Sustainability Group and Walden Asset Management released a press release announcing that Microsoft left ALEC in July 2014:
Last year, The Sustainability Group of Loring, Wolcott and Coolidge and Walden Asset Management engaged Microsoft over its affiliation with the controversial model legislation group American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. Microsoft is a leader on carbon issues – in 2012, it committed to becoming carbon neutral, and is one of the largest corporate purchasers of renewable energy. Thus, we believe that its affiliation with ALEC, which is actively fighting policies that promote renewable energy, was incongruous. In addition, there were numerous other ALEC actions that conflicted directly with Microsoft’s values.We are pleased to report Microsoft is no longer a member of ALEC and is not financially supporting the organization in any way.
In emails dated June 30 and July 14 2014, Microsoft confirmed this decision:
“As we discussed, in 2014 Microsoft decided to no longer participate in the American Legislative Exchange Council’s Communications and Technology Task Force, which had been our only previous involvement with ALEC. With this decision, we no longer contribute any dues to ALEC.
“we are no longer members of ALEC and do not provide the organization with financial support of any kind.”
We commend Microsoft on its commitment to open dialogue with shareholders, and for making this important decision.
Microsoft’s chief environmental strategist, Rob Bernard, defended his company’s membership in ALEC less than a year ago.
Technology companies that are members of ALEC include Google, Yelp, Yahoo, Uber, AT&T, eBay, and Lyft.
Pittsburgh Public Hearing on Clean Power Plan
A public hearing on the EPA’s draft rule for greenhouse pollution from existing power plants will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the William S. Moorhead Federal Building, Room 1310, 1000 Liberty Avenue.
The hearing will convene at 9:00 a.m. and end at 8:00 p.m.
Please contact Ms. Pamela Garrett at 919-541-7966 or at to register to speak at one of the hearings. The last day to pre-register in advance to speak at the hearings will be Friday, July 25, 2014.
Denver Public Hearing on Clean Power Plan
A public hearing on the EPA’s draft rule for greenhouse pollution from existing power plants will be held in Denver, Colorado, in EPA’s Region 8 Building, 1595 Wynkoop Street.
The hearing will convene at 9:00 a.m. (local) and end at 8:00 p.m.
Please contact Ms. Pamela Garrett at 919-541-7966 or at to register to speak at one of the hearings. The last day to pre-register in advance to speak at the hearings will be Friday, July 25, 2014.
Draft EPA Rule Will Seek 17 Percent Cut In Carbon Pollution From Existing Power Plants By 2030
The long-awaited Environmental Protection Agency rule for greenhouse pollution from existing power plants will seek a 30 percent reduction from the 2005 peak, the Wall Street Journal’s Amy Harder reports. Half of that reduction has already been achieved in the seven years between 2005 and 2012, where only carbon dioxide emissions are concerned. The draft rule is expected to be unveiled Monday, with a year delay before finalization in 2015. States will be expected to submit compliance plans in June 2016, the final year of the Obama administration.
Because coal-fired power plants emit three-quarters of the greenhouse pollution from electricity generation in the United States, the rule is expected to impact the aging coal-fired fleet of plants, which also cause the lion’s share of traditional air pollution from the country’s power plants.
Coral Davenport of the New York Times summarizes the draft rule:Under the proposal to be unveiled on Monday, states will be given a wide menu of policy options to achieve the pollution cuts. Rather than immediately shutting down coal plants, states will be allowed to reduce emissions by making changes across their electricity systems – by installing new wind and solar generation, energy-efficiency technology and by starting or joining state and regional “cap-and-trade” programs, in which states agree to cap carbon pollution and buy and sell permits to pollute.
The proposed rule calls for most of the reduction to happen by 2020, with a 25 percent cut from 2005 levels (11 percent cut from 2012) by then.
Carbon-dioxide pollution from electricity generation is already down 15 percent from 2005. This reduction has come primarily from a switch to natural gas and renewables. Any reduction in overall greenhouse pollution from a switch from coal to natural gas requires low levels of methane leakage, a requirement that has not been clearly shown.
Interestingly, the reduction in greenhouse pollution from the proposed rule is about one-third greater than the footprint of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.
Electricity generation is responsible for one-third of U.S. domestic greenhouse pollution. The announced target represents a reduction of 340 million metric tons of CO2 from 2012 levels, five percent of the United States’ total greenhouse pollution that year. That cut is about double the annual 120-200 MMT/yr climate footprint of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. The total pollution saved over 2016-2030 due to the rule would be thirty percent greater than the footprint of the tar-sands crude carried by the pipeline.
The international benchmark for greenhouse pollution is 1990 levels. Measured against 1990’s pollution levels, the proposed rule represents a one percent reduction in power plant emissions by 2020, and a 7 percent cut by 2030 (a two percent cut from total U.S. 1990 greenhouse pollution).
The process for establishing the rule was begun by the Obama administration in March 2011, years after the 2007 Massachusetts v. EPA decision by the Supreme Court overturning the EPA’s 2003 rejection of greenhouse regulation.
Update: The EPA has released what it’s calling the Clean Power Plan. The EPA estimates the rule will “cut particle pollution, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide by more than 25 percent as a co-benefit” and “shrink electricity bills roughly 8 percent by increasing energy efficiency and reducing demand in the electricity system.”
Citing Climate Threat, Maryland Gov. O'Malley Vetoes Anti-Wind Bill

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley
After careful consideration, I am vetoing this bill because (1) there are meaningful safeguards in place that render the bill unnecessary; (2) the real threat to Pax River is not an array of wind turbines on the lower Eastern Shore but rising sea levels caused by climate change; and (3) increasing renewable energy is a core strategic goal for the future security and prosperity of our State.
Rep. Steny Hoyer, the U.S. House of Representatives Minority Whip, is a vigorous opponent of the wind farm, testifying in Annapolis against its potential threat to the naval base, although the project developer and U.S. Navy had come to an agreement to alleviate the Navy’s concerns about possible radar interference from the turbines. Hoyer was joined by Sens. Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin, as well as Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger in counseling delay. Cardin was one of the recent participants in the #Up4Climate all-night talkathon, during which he discussed the threat of sea level rise to Pax River and the need for investment in renewable energy.
O’Malley’s letter reiterated the importance of fighting the carbon pollution which is already damaging Maryland with investment in clean energy.Ironically, the greater inconvenient truth threatening Pax River — and the billions of dollars of economic activity generated by that facility — is climate change. To address that threat, we must encourage the development of clean renewable energy. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by shifting to clean energy will not always be easy or convenient in the short run, and it will challenge all of us to find new ways to coexist, but it is critical to sustaining the economy and living environment of our State.He also noted the National Climate Assessment:
The recent release of the Third National Climate Assessment highlights the costs climate change is already imposing on Maryland and underscores the importance of doing everything we can to reduce the damage it will cause in the future. Our State in general, and Pax River in particular, are vulnerable to the very type of carbon pollution that renewable energy projects help reduce.
The Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Environment Maryland, and the Sierra Club mobilized thousands of activists to support the wind project.
Wind farm opponents have pledged to keep fighting against the project.
Capitol Hill Climate Action Rally
Senators Barbara Boxer and Sheldon Whitehouse — co-chairs of the Climate Action Task Force — will kick off the Capitol Hill Climate Action Rally to wake up Congress to climate change. At the rally, they will literally sound the alarm on climate change, by setting alarms on phones, tablets, or hand-held devices to ring at 5 p.m. EST.