Reflections on Hurricanes Maria + Harvey & the Road to Recovery
Over a million Puerto Ricans remain without electricity following Hurricane Fiona. For a timely conversation, join a Twitter space — hosted by Climate Nexus and the Energy Democracy Project — for Reflections on Hurricanes Maria + Harvey & the Road to Recovery.
- Johanna Bozuwa, Climate and Community Project
- Ruth Santiago, Comité Diálogo Ambiental
- Arturo Massol-Deyá, Casa Pueblo
- Sandra Edwards, Coalition for Environment, Equity and Resilience
- Dr. Brett Perkison, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston School of Public Health
Appalachian Resistance Comes to DC!
Frontline communities in Appalachia – and across the country – are being used as bargaining chips in a Manchin/Schumer side deal aimed at ramping up fossil fuel projects. This is unacceptable. But let it be known, the resistance is organized and ready to bring the fight to DC!
Join frontline leaders in a rally on Sept 8th outside the Capitol to demand that U.S. Senators and Representatives stop Manchin’s dirty deal. If you are an Appalachian impacted by the climate crisis or a member of a frontline community impacted by fossil fuels please indicate your interest to attend meetings with Congress in the RSVP form.
If passed, this would gut bedrock environmental protections, threaten tribal authority, endanger public health, fast-track fossil fuel projects, cut public input and push approval for Manchin’s pet project, the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We can’t allow communities to be sacrificed to more oil and gas drilling, pipelines, petrochemical buildout and climate disasters! Join us on Sept 8th by making our voices clear: ‘We are not your sacrifice zones! #StopMVP and Manchin’s dirty deal!’
- note: ASL and Spanish translation will be made available, the location will be ADA accessible
- buses are available from Durham, NC, Christiansburg, VA, Morgantown, WV, and New York City. More info here.
Stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline Action Party
The Mountain Valley Pipeline is dangerous to people and the environment, and will lock in reliance on fossil fuels for decades to come.
The International Energy Agency has concluded that there must be no new oil, gas or coal development if the world is to reach net zero by 2050.
On September 6th at 7 pm (ET), Climate Action Now will host a free action party with four extraordinary activists battling the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and Senator Manchin’s side deal to accelerate new fossil fuel infrastructure.
Our featured guests will brief us on what’s at stake and guide us through concrete actions we can take to help stop the MVP and side deal during the party with the free Climate Action Now app.
Why September 6th? The timing is critical. First, activists will assemble at Congressional offices on Sept. 8 in Washington D.D. to lobby against the MVP and we want them to walk into offices that have already heard from a LOT of people opposing the project. Also, rumor has it that the “Manchin side-deal” will be voted on by the end of September as part of the budget package. So, we need to quickly ramp up our efforts to stop it.
About Our Featured Guests
- Crystal Cavalier-Keck is the co-founder of Seven Directions of Service with her husband. She is a citizen of the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation in Burlington, NC and Chair of the Environmental Justice Committee for the NAACP.
- Russell Chisholm serves as Mountain Valley Watch Coordinator for the Protect Our Water, Heritage Rights (POWHR) coalition in the campaign to stop Mountain Valley Pipeline and dangerous fossil fuel expansion through Virginia and West Virginia. The Mountain Valley Watch project documents and reports potential violations of environmental law from pipeline construction.
- Jessica Sims is the Appalachian Voices Virginia Field Coordinator. Born and raised in Central Virginia. Jessica is has worked extensively with Chesapeake Climate Action Network and the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter on their pipeline campaigns.
- Jonathan Sokolow is an attorney and activist in Reston, Virginia who served as a Staff Attorney with the Legal Aid Society of the City of New York, General Counsel to the Vermont State Employees Union. and Senior Assistant General Counsel to the United Mine Workers of America Health and Retirement Funds.
About Our Co-Hosts
- Justin J. Pearson is a leader of Memphis Community Against Pollution and co-founder of Memphis Community Against the Pipeline (MCAP) which is a Black-led environmental justice organization that successfully defeated a multi-billion dollar company’s crude oil pipeline project.
- Tim Guinee, President of Climate Action Now, has been a veteran in numerous climate campaigns around the country, most notably as the Legislative Coordinator for the New York Climate Reality Chapters Coalition. Former Vice President Al Gore awarded Tim the Alfredo Sirkis Memorial Green Ring Award for this work on the climate crisis.
- Here’s What’s Wrong With Manchin’s Side Deal to the Inflation Reduction Act, Crystal Mello of POWHR
- No One Owes Joe Manchin Anything, Bill McKibben
Now Or Never: Game's Over
On July 28th, we will converge en masse on the Congressional Baseball Game. And we will shut it down.
We will not stand by, watching them play games while the world burns. Everything we love is at stake. Our safety, our future, our one and only home. It’s time to leave everything on the field.
6 PM. Nationals Park.
Members of Congress accepted $11,982,170 dollars from giant fossil fuel corporations. This year alone. The baseball game itself is sponsored by Chevron and BP. But if the oligarchs think we’ll stand by, watching them play games while the world burns, then they are sorely mistaken.
Biden in the Hot Seat: People vs Fossil Fuels Movement Call to Action
Join us to find out what Biden needs to do right now – and how we can make sure he does it – to protect communities from the climate emergency, keep fossil fuels in the ground, and speed a just transition to renewables.
We are closer than ever before to a climate emergency declaration and ramping up executive actions to tackle the climate crisis. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment for our coalition and the broader People vs Fossil Fuels movement. Register here for the movement call on Tuesday July 26th.
Climate Emergency Day
On Friday July 22, we will officially have less than 7 years to act to keep global warming below 1.5°C. Global commitments from government leaders and industry are not on track to meet this deadline. Join people around the world as we acknowledge this profound moment, and recommit to a rapid, bold transition away from fossil fuels. The first official “Climate Emergency Day” is a moment for you to speak out and demand action.
Nominations of David Applegate to be Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, Carmen Cantor to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Insular and International Affairs, and Evelyn Wang to be Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
The purpose of the business meeting is to consider the nominations of:
- Dr. David Applegate to be Director of the United States Geological Survey;
- Ambassador Carmen G. Cantor to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior (Insular and International Affairs); and
- Dr. Evelyn Wang to be Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, Department of Energy.
The meeting will be immediately followed by a hearing to examine short term and long terms solutions to extreme drought in the western United States.
Living with Climate Change: Wildfires
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing on policies and practices to address wildfires. Billions of dollars are spent fighting wildfires every year, and the cascading economic, health, and societal impacts of wildfires are enormous. Compounding these challenges, wildfires also release greenhouse gases and harmful aerosols into the atmosphere. Over the last century, battling wildfires after they have started has been the main approach to address this threat. Yet, with record-setting fire seasons happening almost every year, more proactive and preventative steps are needed.
Panelists will discuss policies and practices that would allow the United States to reduce the overall risk of wildfires, including how innovations in community-centered wildfire protection can improve resilience for humans and ecosystems.
Speakers- Rep. Joe Neguse (D-Colo.)
- Carly Phillips, Western States Climate Team Fellow, Union of Concerned Scientists
- Kimiko Barrett, Wildfire Research & Policy Lead, Headwaters Economics
- Margo Robbins, Executive Director, Cultural Fire Management Council
- Steve Bowen, Managing Director and Head of Catastrophe Insight, Aon
A live webcast will be streamed at 01:00 PM EDT.
Walk For Appalachia's Future: Richmond, VA
From May 24th-June 6th we will be traveling along the route of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We seek to amplify the voices of frontline Appalachian communities and others in their fight for environmental justice and renewable energy. We will be working to challenge the environmental damages being done by all fossil fuels, and to cancel the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and the MVP Southgate extension, whose construction has already devastated parts of WV, VA and NC.
Updates on the Walk’s progress are being posted on Facebook and on Twitter with the hashtag #AppalachiaWalk.
- 5/24, Noon: 65 Community Drive, Ireland, WV
- 5/25, 9 AM: West Virginia State Capitol, Charleston, WV
- 5/26, 9 AM: National Fish Hatchery, White Sulphur, WV
- 5/27, 9 AM: Greenbrier River, WV
- 5/28, 9 AM: Base of Peters Mountain, on the VA/WV border
- 5/29, 9 AM: Newport, VA
- 5/30, 9 AM: Roanoke, VA
- 5/31-6/1: Bent Mountain, VA
- 6/2-6/4: Richmond, VA
If you are trying to find the Walk, call Steve at (828) 777-7816 or Ted at (973) 460-1458 or email
All along the pipeline route we will inspect damages to water, air, animals, and the Earth, and the people who depend on them; and we will every morning have ceremonies honoring the heroes in our states who have died during these fights to protect our Appalachia.
Communities affected by the Mountain Valley Pipeline and other destructive/extractive industries are invited to participate in the event in whatever way is best or most advantageous to them. For example, they can join our walk or have the walk come to them.
We plan to use the two-week journey on foot and by vehicle to support frontline communities first and foremost by listening. As appropriate, walkers may be called upon to support local campaigns for economic, racial and climate justice by amplifying their voices in various media, standing alongside them at rallies and protests, participating in and hosting workshops, and honoring the heroes of the struggle who are no longer with us.
Walk organizers consist of dedicated environmental justice workers from West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and beyond, and members of seasoned organizations such as 7 Directions of Service, POWHR, Beyond Extreme Energy, Th!rd Act, NC Alliance to Protect the People and the Places We Live, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and others.
Walk For Appalachia's Future: Bent Mountain, VA
From May 24th-June 6th we will be traveling along the route of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We seek to amplify the voices of frontline Appalachian communities and others in their fight for environmental justice and renewable energy. We will be working to challenge the environmental damages being done by all fossil fuels, and to cancel the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and the MVP Southgate extension, whose construction has already devastated parts of WV, VA and NC.
Updates on the Walk’s progress are being posted on Facebook and on Twitter with the hashtag #AppalachiaWalk.
- 5/24, Noon: 65 Community Drive, Ireland, WV
- 5/25, 9 AM: West Virginia State Capitol, Charleston, WV
- 5/26, 9 AM: National Fish Hatchery, White Sulphur, WV
- 5/27, 9 AM: Greenbrier River, WV
- 5/28, 9 AM: Base of Peters Mountain, on the VA/WV border
- 5/29, 9 AM: Newport, VA
- 5/30, 9 AM: Roanoke, VA
- 5/31-6/1: Bent Mountain, VA
- 6/2-6/4: Richmond, VA
If you are trying to find the Walk, call Steve at (828) 777-7816 or Ted at (973) 460-1458 or email
All along the pipeline route we will inspect damages to water, air, animals, and the Earth, and the people who depend on them; and we will every morning have ceremonies honoring the heroes in our states who have died during these fights to protect our Appalachia.
Communities affected by the Mountain Valley Pipeline and other destructive/extractive industries are invited to participate in the event in whatever way is best or most advantageous to them. For example, they can join our walk or have the walk come to them.
We plan to use the two-week journey on foot and by vehicle to support frontline communities first and foremost by listening. As appropriate, walkers may be called upon to support local campaigns for economic, racial and climate justice by amplifying their voices in various media, standing alongside them at rallies and protests, participating in and hosting workshops, and honoring the heroes of the struggle who are no longer with us.
Walk organizers consist of dedicated environmental justice workers from West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and beyond, and members of seasoned organizations such as 7 Directions of Service, POWHR, Beyond Extreme Energy, Th!rd Act, NC Alliance to Protect the People and the Places We Live, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and others.