Cap and Dividend Conference Call
Please join us Friday, April 10th at noon (eastern time) for a national conference call to learn about one of most exciting climate bills ever introduced in the U.S. Congress. Do you want a STRONG carbon cap? Do you want 100% auction of carbon permits? Do you oppose carbon offsets and the complications they can cause? Do you also want to help protect Americans, especially low-income families, from rising energy prices?
Then you owe it to yourself to join this national conference call on Friday. Learn more about how a “cap and dividend” process will work. Learn why, to be effective, a national carbon cap must be simple, fair, and built to last. Learn about the legislation just introduced by Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), a powerful leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Featured speakers on the call will include- Michael Noble, executive director of Fresh Energy in Minnesota
- Mike Tidwell, executive director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network in Maryland/Virginia
The call-in number is: 877-363-2003, code 1051052115
The call is sponsored by:- Montana Environmental Information Center (MT)
- Fresh Energy (MN)
- Penn Future (PA)
- New Energy Economy (NM)
- Center for Civic Policy (NM)
- Climate Protection Campaign (CA)
- Chesapeake Climate Action Network (MD/VA/DC)
- Plains Justice (IA)
- New York Public Interest Research Group (NY)
- South Carolina Coastal Conservation League (SC)
- Ohio Citizen Action (OH)
Learn more about the cap and dividend concept at For further information, email George Abar at or Ted Glick at