WonkLine: May 11, 2009
From the Wonk Room.

The House Natural Resources Committee is holding a field hearing today “to discuss the responsible expansion of solar energy in California and across the nation” at the University of California, Riverside Palm Desert Graduate Center.
The New York Times discusses the Intervale Green complex, a “new, green, low-income housing development” by the Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation with 128 units, “a large, glass-windowed lobby, two green roofs and a sculpture-filled courtyard.”
Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), Heritage Foundation, Americans for Tax Reform, and local op-eds in North Carolina and Louisiana repeated the “just wrong” lie that an MIT study found cap and trade is a $3100 tax.
Green Intelligent Buildings Conference
Join us to learn about the technologies, practices, and processes that will be instrumental to infrastructure and economic renewal.
Featured Keynote: Kathleen Hogan, Director of Climate Protection, Partnerships Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Kathleen Hogan, Director of the Climate Protection Partnerships Division at the U.S. EPA, will discuss the very significant contribution and role of buildings with respect to carbon reduction, and the opportunities for building energy efficiency to be a vital element of a carbon solution. Furthermore, given increasing interest in building performance as part of a new wave of policies and programs, Kathleen will also discuss the EPA’s leading role in building performance initiatives, including programs such as ENERGY STAR and Climate Leaders.
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