President’s Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Request for the Department of Commerce
Chair Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)
Witness- Gina M. Raimondo, Secretary, United States Department of Commerce
The budget requests $11.7 billion in discretionary funding to support key Commerce Department priorities, including $372 million for the National Institutes of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) manufacturing programs, more than $150 million in new funding to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to create jobs and drive growth in economically distressed communities, $110 million to increase services for minority-owned enterprises at the Minority Business Development Agency, and nearly $7 billion in funding for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA to catalyze wind energy, restore habitats, protect the oceans and coasts, and improve NOAA’s ability to predict extreme weather associated with climate change).
The Global Food Security and COVID-19 Crises: U.S. Response and Policy Options
Chair: Chris Coons (D-Del.)
Panel I: Food Security- David Beasley, Executive Director, World Food Programme
- Tjada D’Oyen McKenna, Chief Executive Officer, Mercy Corps
- Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President, African Development Bank
- Dr. Tom Frieden, President and CEO, Resolve to Save Lives
- Dr. Atul Gawande, Assistant Administrator for Global Health, USAID
- Dr. Michael Ryan, Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies Programme
Fiscal Year 2023 Department of Defense
Chair Betty McCollum (D-Minn.)
Witnesses- Lloyd J. Austin III, Secretary of Defense
- Michael J. McCord, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer
- General Mark A. Milley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
$773 billion budget request includes $56.5 billion for air power platforms and systems; more than $40.8 billion for sea power, to include nine more battle force ships, and nearly $12.6 billion to modernize Army and Marine Corps fighting vehicles; more than $130.1 billion for research and development; and more than $3 billion to address the effects of climate change, bolstering our installation resiliency and adaptation to climate challenges.
The FY 2023 DoD Budget request of $773.0 billion is a $30.7 billion, or 4.1% increase, from the FY 2022 enacted amount.
FY 2023 Budget Request for the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Chair David Price (D-N.C.)
Witness- Marcia L. Fudge, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development
The 2023 President’s Budget requests $71.9 billion for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), approximately $11.6 billion more than the 2022 annualized continuing resolution (CR) level, to support underserved communities and equitable community development, increase access to and production of affordable housing, promote homeownership and wealth-building, advance sustainable communities, climate resilience, and environmental justice, and strengthen HUD’s internal capacity.
The budget includes:- $1.1 billion in targeted climate resilience and energy efficiency improvements in public housing, tribal housing, and other assisted housing;
- $400 million to remove dangerous health hazards from homes, including mitigating threats from fire, lead, carbon monoxide, and radon
- The President’s 2023 Budget supports authorizing the Community Development Block Grant—Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. For more than twenty years, the Congress has appropriated emergency supplemental funds to HUD in response to major disasters to address the unmet long term disaster recovery needs of States, territories, local governments, and Tribes. Authorization would improve the transparency and predictability of CDBG-DR funds for impacted communities.
Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the United States Agency for International Development
Chair Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)
Witness- Samantha Power, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development
- Increases USAID and State Programming to address the Climate Crisis to $2.3 billion. This includes over $1.6 billion in direct USAID and Department of State programming for climate mitigation and adaptation and over $650 million in programming across development sectors—including water, health and health security, and agriculture—that provides significant climate co-benefits. This level will more than double USAID implemented programs and dramatically expand the scale and geographic reach of USAID’s programs to increase climate action through investments in renewable energy and the conservation, restoration and management of land that captures and stores carbon.
Precipitation Research, Salmon Research, Volcano Monitoring, and Other Legislation
U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Chair of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, will convene an Executive Session at 10 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, to consider several pieces of legislation.
- S. 2427, FAIR Contributions Act (Wicker, Capito, Luján)
- S. 3053, Providing Research and Estimates of Changes in Precipitation Act (PRECIP Act) (Wicker)
- S. 3232, Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth Act (STURDY Act) (Klobuchar, Blumenthal, Markey, Baldwin, Luján)
- S. 3278, Reese’s Law (Blumenthal, Blackburn, Markey, Luján)
- S. 3290, National MEP Supply Chain Database Act of 2021 (Blackburn)
- S. 3429, Alaska Salmon Research Task Force Act (Sullivan)
- S. 3533, Volcanic Ash and Fumes Act of 2022 (Schatz)
- S. 3692, Network Equipment Transparency Act (NET Act) (Hickenlooper, Moran, Tester, Capito)
- S. 4145, Consumer Protection Remedies Act of 2022 (Cantwell)
- Nomination of Admiral Linda L. Fagan, to be the Coast Guard Commandant (PN1947)
- Coast Guard Nominations (PN1916, PN1945, PN2000, PN2001)
Markup of Postal Service Fleet Electrification and other legislation
On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. ET, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, will hold a business meeting to consider legislation to ensure the Postal Service has an accurate environmental impact statement to inform its acquisition of Next Generation Delivery Vehicles, address data gaps in national sexual orientation and gender identification information, and make other good government reforms.
The Committee will consider the following legislation:- H.R. 7683, the Artificial Intelligence Training for Acquisition Personnel Act;
- H.R. 4176, the LGBTQ Data Inclusion Act;
- H.R. 7331, the Improving Government for America’s Taxpayers Act;
- H.R. 7535, the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act;
- H.R. 521, the First Responder Fair Return for Employees on Their Initial Retirement Earned Act;
- H.R. 7686, the District of Columbia Code Returning Citizens Coordination Act;
- H.R. 7674, the Ensuring Oversight Access at the Postal Service Act;
- H.R. 6104, the Building the Next Generation of Federal Employees Act; and
- H.R. 7682, the Ensuring an Accurate Postal Fleet Electrification Act. This bill would invalidate the environmental impact statement (EIS) that the Postal Service filed as part of its contract with Oshkosh Defense to produce the Next Generation Delivery Vehicle and require the Postal Service to produce a new EIS.
Council on Environmental Quality: A Year in Review
- Brenda Mallory, Chair, Council on Environmental Quality
FY 2023 Budget Request for the Department of Transportation
Hearing page. Chair David Price (D-N.C.)
Witness:- Pete Buttigieg, Secretary, Department of Transportation
In Fiscal Year 2023, we are now poised to build on early progress with a President’s budget for the Department of Transportation that totals $142 billion, including $36.8 billion in advance appropriations provided by BIL in that year.
- Safety remains our top priority, and the budget includes funding to help address the crisis of deaths on America’s roadways, as outlined in our National Roadway Safety Strategy. That includes $3 billion for the Highway Safety Improvement Program.
- With $4 billion for RAISE and the new Mega program, we will rebuild century old infrastructure and lay the groundwork for America to compete and win in decades ahead.
- With $23.6 billion for the Federal Aviation Administration, we will further enhance aviation safety, combat the effects of aviation on the climate, and improve airport infrastructure.
- With $4.45 billion in Capital Investment Grants, we will advance 15 major transit projects that shorten commutes, increase access to jobs, and reduce congestion on the road for millions of Americans.
- We will invest $17.9 billion to reverse decades of underinvestment in intercity passenger rail and make fast, reliable train service available to more people.
- We will provide $1 billion to build out a nationwide network of electric vehicle chargers, so that Americans in every part of the country have access to the lower monthly costs of electric vehicles. We will also begin implementing our ambitious new fuel efficiency standards, which are projected to save the typical household hundreds of dollars in gas costs and prevent 2.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide from reaching our atmosphere.
- And to keep making progress on supply chains to help move goods faster and fight inflation, we will invest a total of $680 million to modernize ports, $3 billion to improve the roadways that carry the majority of America’s freight, and a total of $1.5 billion for CRISI grants to improve freight rail.
National Parks Legislation
The purpose of this hearing is to receive testimony on the following bills:
- H.R. 268, to provide for the boundary of the Palo Alto Battlefield National Historic Park to be adjusted, to authorize the donation of land to the United States for addition to that historic park, and for other purposes;
- H.R. 1931, to provide competitive grants for the promotion of Japanese American confinement education as a means to understand the importance of democratic principles, use and abuse of power, and to raise awareness about the importance of cultural tolerance toward Japanese Americans, and for other purposes.
- S. 557, to establish a pilot program for native plant species, and for other purposes;
- S. 1344, to redesignate the Pullman National Monument in the State of Illinois as the Pullman National Historical Park, and for other purposes.
- S. 1718, to amend the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park Establishment Act of 2000 to provide for additional areas to be added to the park, and for other purposes;
- S. 1814/H.R. 3531, to authorize the Women Who Worked on the Home Front Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs, and for other purposes;
- S. 2367, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to acquire land in Frederick County, Maryland, for the Historic Preservation Training Center of the National Park Service, and for other purposes;
- S. 2964, to clarify the status of the North Country, Ice Age, and New England National Scenic Trails as units of the National Park System, and for other purposes.
- S. 3141, to establish the New Philadelphia National Historical Park in the State of Illinois as a unit of the National Park System, and for other purposes;
- S. 3185, to amend the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Improvement Act to extend the exception to the closure of certain roads within the Recreation Area for local businesses, and for other purposes;
- S. 3240, to waive the application fee for applications for special use permits for veterans’ special events at war memorials on land administered by the National Park Service in the District of Columbia and its environs, and for other purposes.
- S. 3307, to modify the boundary of the Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield in the State of Missouri, and for other purposes;
- S. 3334, to extend the authority for the establishment of a commemorative work to honor enslaved and free black persons who served in the American Revolution, and for other purposes;
- S. 3338, to revise the boundary of the Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park in the State of Missouri, and for other purposes;
- S. 3519, to amend the National Trails System Act to designate the Butterfield Overland National Historic Trail, and for other purposes.
- S. 3551, to require the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to carry out certain activities to enhance recreational opportunities for gateway communities, and for other purposes.
- S. 3667, to amend title 54, United States Code, to establish within the National Park Service the United States African-American Burial Grounds Preservation Program, and for other purposes.
- S. 3685, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study to determine the suitability and feasibility of establishing the John P. Parker House in Ripley, Ohio, as a unit of the National Park System.
- S. 4114, to amend Public Law 99–420 to provide for the conveyance of certain Federal land in the State of Maine for use for affordable workforce housing, and for other purposes.
- S. 4121, to designate the Kol Israel Foundation Holocaust Memorial in Bedford Heights, Ohio, as a national memorial.
- Michael A. Caldwell, Associate Director Park Planning, Facilities, and Lands, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior