Nominations of Christy Goldsmith Romero, Kristin Johnson,Summer Kristine Mersinger, and Caroline Pham, all to be a Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:00:00 GMT

Hearing page

  • Christy Goldsmith Romero, Special Inspector General of the Troubled Asset Relief Program
  • Kristin N. Johnson, Professor of Law at Emory University School of Law and former assistant general counsel and vice president at JP Morgan
  • Summer Kristine Mersinger, Chief of Staff, Office of Commissioner Dawn Stump at U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  • Caroline D. Pham, Deputy Head of Global Regulatory Affairs, Citi
  • Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee 216 Hart
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Implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act by the U.S. Department of Transportation

Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:00:00 GMT

Hearing page

  • Pete Buttigieg, Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation
  • Senate Environment and Public Works Committee 106 Dirksen
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State of the Union Address

Wed, 02 Mar 2022 02:00:00 GMT

President Joseph Biden delivers his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress in the U.S. Capitol.

Energy Science, Nuclear and Energy Security Legislation

Tue, 01 Mar 2022 15:00:00 GMT

The purpose of this hearing is to receive testimony on the following bills:

  • S. 3699, to provide guidance for and investment in the research and development activities of the Department of Energy Office of Science and for other purposes (Department of Energy Science for the Future Act of 2022).
  • S. 3428, to require the Secretary of Energy to establish a program to provide Federal financial assistance to support advanced nuclear reactors and associated supply chain infrastructure, and for other purposes (Fission for the Future Act of 2021).
  • S. 2733, to terminate the United States Enrichment Corporation Fund and transfer remaining amounts to the Treasury (United States Enrichment Corporation Fund Termination and Transfer Act).
  • S. 2896, to amend the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 to clarify whistleblower rights and protections, and for other purposes (Department of Energy and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Whistleblower Protection Act).
  • S. 2232, to direct the Secretary of Energy to fund projects to restore and modernize National Laboratories, and for other purposes (Restore and Modernize Our National Laboratories Act of 2021).
  • S. 2302, to amend the Department of Energy Organization Act to assign certain functions to the Assistant Secretaries of Energy relating to energy emergencies and energy security, and for other purposes.
  • H.R. 3119, to amend the Department of Energy Organization Act with respect to functions assigned to Assistant Secretaries, and for other purposes (Energy Emergency Leadership Act).
  • Witness:
    • Geraldine Richmond, Undersecretary for Science and Innovation, U.S. Department of Energy

    National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Legislation

    Tue, 01 Mar 2022 15:00:00 GMT

    On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. (EST), the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands will hold a virtual, fully remote legislative hearing on the following bills:

  • H.R. 1638 (Rep. Dusty Johnson-R-SD) To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to transfer certain National Forest System land to the State of South Dakota, and for other purposes. Gilt Edge Mine Conveyance Act.
  • H.R. 4178 (Rep. Jared Huffman, D-CA) To extend the authority to collect Shasta-Trinity Marina fees through fiscal year 2027. Shasta-Trinity Marina Fee Extension.
  • H.R. 5093 (Rep. Jaime Herrera Butler, R-WA) To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to transfer certain National Forest System land in the State of Washington to Skamania County, Washington. Wind River Administrative Site Conveyance Act.
  • H.R. 5493 (Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez- D-NM) To provide for greater consultation between the Federal Government and the governing bodies and community users of land grant-mercedes in New Mexico, to provide for a process for recognition of the historic-traditional uses of land grant-mercedes, and for other purposes. Land Grant-Mercedes Traditional Use Recognition and Consultation Act.
  • H.R. 6366 (Rep. John Garamendi, D-CA) To modify the boundary of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include certain Federal land in Lake County, California, and for other purposes. Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act.
  • Witnesses:

    Panel I
    • Rep. Dusty Johnson (H.R. 1638) South Dakota, At Large
    • Rep. Jared Huffman (H.R. 4178) California, 2nd District
    • Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (H.R. 5093) Washington, 3rd District
    • Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (H.R. 5493) New Mexico, 3rd District
    • Rep. John Garamendi (H.R. 6366) California, 3rd District
    Panel II
    • Greg Smith (All Bills), Director of Lands and Realty Management, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture
    • Mark Lambrecht (H.R. 5493 & H.R. 6366), Assistant Director, National Landscape Conservation System Bureau of Land Management
    • Anthony Roberts (H.R. 6366), Tribal Chairman, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
    Panel III
    • Hunter Roberts (H.R. 1638), Secretary, South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources
    • Paul Hauser (H.R. 4178), General Manager, Trinity Public Utility District
    • Tom Lannen (H.R. 5093), District 2 Commissioner, Skamania County, Washington
    • Arturo Archuleta (H.R. 5493), Program Manager, New Mexico Land Grant Council

    FEMA: Building a Workforce Prepared and Ready to Respond Part 2

    Tue, 01 Mar 2022 15:00:00 GMT

    Hearing page

    Hearing part 1

    • Erik A. Hooks, Deputy Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
    • Posted in
    • Tags
    • House Homeland Security Committee
      Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Subcommittee
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    A 2022 Review of the Farm Bill: Commodity Group Perspectives on Title 1

    Tue, 01 Mar 2022 15:00:00 GMT

    Hearing page

    • Brad Doyle, President, American Soybean Association, Weiner, AR,
    • Dr. Robert Johansson, Director of Economics and Policy Analysis, American Sugar Alliance, Alexandria, VA
    • Nicole Berg, Vice President, National Association of Wheat Growers, Paterson, WA
    • Chris Edgington, President, National Corn Growers Association, Saint Ansgar, IA
    • Jaclyn Ford, National Cotton Council, Alapaha, GA
    • Verity Ulibarri, National Sorghum Producers, Melrose, NM
    • Clark Coleman, National Sunflower Association, National Barley Growers Association, U.S. Canola Association, and the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council, Bismarck, ND
    • Jennifer James, USA Rice, Newport, AR
    • Meredith McNair Rogers, U.S. Peanut Federation, Camilla, GA

    Public Meeting of the Chartered CASAC and the CASAC PM Panel

    Fri, 25 Feb 2022 16:00:00 GMT

    A Public Meeting of the Chartered Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) and CASAC Particulate Matter Panel.

    Agenda: To discuss the Draft CASAC Report on EPA’s Draft Supplement to the 2019 Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for PM and the Draft CASAC Report on EPA’s Draft PM Policy Assessment (PA).

    11:00 AM Convene MeetingMr. Aaron Yeow, Designated Federal Officer
    Review of AgendaDr. Liane Sheppard
    CASAC PM Panel Chair
    Remarks from EPATBD
    Public Comments on the Draft CASAC ISA Supplement Report and the Draft CASAC PA ReportRegistered Speakers (TBD)
    Discussion of Draft CASAC ISA Supplement Report
  • Discussion of Consensus Responses
  • Discussion of Letter to the Administrator
  • Dr. Sheppard and Panel Members
    Chartered CASAC Disposition of Draft CASAC ISA Supplement Report Dr. Lianne Sheppard
    Chartered CASAC Chair
    Chartered CASAC Members
    2:00 PM Deliberation on the Draft Policy Assessment Charge Questions
  • Chapter 5 (Reconsideration of the Secondary Standard)
  • Dr. Chow, Mr. Allen, Drs. Boylan, Ponette-González, Turpin
    3:00 PMRecessMr. Yeow

    Black Leaders on Environmental Justice and Beyond

    Thu, 24 Feb 2022 18:00:00 GMT

    Black communities throughout the nation have led on environmental justice for years. While at the same time they have also been most impacted by environmental malpractice, pollution, and injustice. The environmental movement has historically excluded the voices of Black leaders, even when policies and practices are directly affecting their livelihoods and communities. Today many are still fighting for a transformation of the environmental movement to prioritize funding and opportunities for justice for Black communities.

    Join Green 2.0 and Hip Hop Caucus for a discussion with Black leaders in the environmental sector about what needs to happen to move the needle in our mission to achieve justice and equity in the environmental movement.

    Register here

    • Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ill.)
    • Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., Hip Hop Caucus
    • Raviya Ismail, Green 2.0
    • Eddie Love, Ocean Foundation
    • Karen T. Campblin, Fairfax County NAACP
    • Corina Newsome, Wildlife conservationist
    • Latresse Snead, Bonsai Leadership Group LLC

    State Climate Policy Network national call

    Wed, 23 Feb 2022 20:00:00 GMT

    Want to learn about how climate advocacy campaigns are developing in states across the country – from Pennsylvania to Nebraska to Connecticut to Hawaii? Have an exciting climate policy update or development to share with a network of like-minded individuals?

    Join us for our monthly State Climate Policy Network national call! This one-hour, once-a-month call is the perfect opportunity to learn about the different legislation and movements going on in states across the U.S. Legislators, advocates, and experts will join us and inform the network of what is going on in their state, and what you might be able to do to help.

    For those of you joining us for the first time, the SCPN call is also an opportunity simply listen to other states’ updates and challenges. We typically have campaign leaders in 15-20 states calling in and providing updates, and dozens of people listening and asking questions on the line. You can read more about the SCPN here.

    Feel free to contact Kristen Soares, our SCPN Manager, at with any questions.

    Please register and spread the word to others interested in pushing forward climate policy in their state.

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