Xochitl Torres Small to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development and Robert F. Bonnie to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm Production and Conservation
- Xochitl Torres Small, To be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development
- Robert F. Bonnie, To be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm Production and Conservation
Bonnie is currently serving as the USDA’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Senior Advisor, Climate.
Financing Climate Solutions and Job Creation
The hearing will focus on how Congress can create financial incentives and make smart investments to help families afford clean energy and energy efficiency technologies, to accelerate the deployment of zero-emission cars and trucks, and to create good-paying jobs across America. These incentives and investments include clean energy tax credits; clean vehicle tax credits; tax credits for domestic manufacturing; and a clean energy and sustainability accelerator, which can help support state-level green banks.
Witnesses:- Duanne Andrade, Chief Financial and Strategic Officer, Solar and Energy Loan Fund (SELF). Andrade leads development of innovative financing programs at SELF, which helps low-and-moderate income Floridians make their homes more sustainable through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and climate resilience. She previously worked as a consultant for start-ups focused on environmental justice, sustainability, and clean energy finance models
- John Larsen, Director, Rhodium Group. Larsen leads Rhodium Group’s U.S. power sector and energy systems research, specializing in analysis of clean energy policy and market trends. Previously, he worked for the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis as an electric power policy advisor
- Zoe Lipman, Director, Manufacturing & Advanced Transportation, BlueGreen Alliance (BGA). Lipman leads BGA’s policy and advocacy on clean technology manufacturing, advanced vehicles and transportation, and related economic topics. A former trade union official, she previously led the National Wildlife Federation’s program on fuel economy and advanced and electric vehicles and headed the organization’s Midwest climate policy program
- Rich Powell, Executive Director, ClearPath. Powell leads ClearPath, whose mission is to develop and advance conservative policies that accelerate clean energy innovation. Rich served as a member of the 2019 Advisory Committee to the Export Import Bank of the United States. He is also on the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center’s Advisory Group
Examining the Benefits of Investing in US Army Corps of Engineers Water Infrastructure Projects
On Wednesday, July 28, at 10:00 AM ET, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works will hold a hearing to examine the benefits of investing in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water infrastructure projects.
Nomination of Ken Salazar as Ambassador to Mexico; Vote on Monica P. Medina to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs); and other matters
Business meeting to consider:
LEGISLATION:- S. 2297, International Pandemic Preparedness and COVID-19 Response Act
- S. 812, A bill to direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the World Health Organization, and for other purposes
- S.Res._, Expressing solidarity with Cuban citizens demonstrating peacefully for fundamental freedoms, condemning the Cuban regime’s acts of repression, and calling for the immediate release of arbitrarily detained Cuban citizens
- Gentry O. Smith, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Diplomatic Security)
- Ms. Monica P. Medina, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs)
- Rena Bitter, of the District of Columbia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Consular Affairs)
- Mr. Marc Evans Knapper, of California, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
- Brian Nichols, of Rhode Island, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Western Hemisphere Affairs)
- Jeanne Frances Bailey, et al., dated April 13, 2021 (PN 359)
- Russell Anthony Duncan, et al., dated April 27 2021 (PN 477)
- Marc Clayton Gilkey, dated April 27, 2021 (PN 478)
- Gabriel J. Allison, et al., dated June 22, 2021 (PN 724)
- Danielle R. Andrews, et al., dated June 22, 2021 (PN 727)
Followed by nomination hearing for:
- Kenneth Lee Salazar, of Colorado, to be Ambassador to the United Mexican States
- Jessica Lewis, of Ohio, to be an Assistant Secretary (Political-Military Affairs)
- Donald Lu, of California, to be Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs, all of the Department of State, * Marcela Escobari, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act and Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022
The Committee on Rules will meet on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 2:00 PM EDT in H-313, The Capitol on the following measures:
- H.R. 4346—Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2022 (Amendment list)
- H.R. 4373—Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2022 (Amendment list)
- H.R. 4505—Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022 (Amendment list)
Defending the U.S. Electric Grid Against Cyber Threats
On Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. ET, Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, will hold a hybrid hearing to examine the security of the U.S. electric grid in light of the recent uptick in cyber incidents targeting government and critical infrastructure systems.
The U.S. electric grid is a priority target for state and non-state cyber adversaries, and a successful attack could have devastating consequences for U.S. national security and economic interests. Although President Biden has taken decisive action to strengthen our national cyber defenses and protect U.S. critical infrastructure—including the electric grid—there are still vulnerabilities that must be addressed.
The hearing will also consider whether additional regulations and policy initiatives are needed to mitigate growing cybersecurity threats to distribution systems, utility vendors, and global supply chains that support the U.S. electric grid.
Witnesses- Eric Goldstein, Executive Assistant Director for Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, on behalf of Department of Homeland Security
- Puesh M. Kumar, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response, on behalf of Department of Energy
- Joseph H. McClelland, Director, Office of Energy Infrastructure Security, on behalf of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The Changing Energy Landscape: Oversight of FERC
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is an independent agency within the Department of Energy, led by five commissioners. It regulates the interstate transmission and sale of electricity and natural gas, as well as the rates for transportation of oil by pipeline. FERC also oversees the permitting of interstate natural gas pipelines and related facilities, reviews proposals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, and licenses hydroelectric projects. It is also responsible for the safety and inspection of dams associated with FERC-licensed projects. In addition to its licensing and ratemaking authorities, FERC oversees the wholesale electricity markets, protects the reliability of the electric grid, and reviews mergers, acquisitions, and corporate transactions by electricity companies, among other things. President Biden named Commissioner Richard Glick as FERC Chairman on January 21, 2021.
Witnesses- Richard Glick, Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Neil Chatterjee, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- James Danly, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Allison Clements, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Mark C. Christie, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
President's FY 2022 Budget Request for the Department of the Interior
- Sen. Joe Manchin, Chairman
- Sen. John Barrasso, Ranking Member
- Debra Haaland, Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior