Defending the Science Telebriefing

Mon, 19 Apr 2010 18:00:00 GMT

Please join USCAN for a telephone briefing on Monday, April 19, from 2-3pm Eastern to hear about what the climate community to doing to defend against the attacks on climate science and how you can get involved. We will be briefed by:

Leslie Aun, World Wildlife Fund. Leslie will highlight the work of the Project on Climate Science, a non-partisan public-education initiative on climate science, committed to collecting and disseminating high-quality scientific research and information so that individuals, the media, and lawmakers can make well-informed and responsible decisions about how to address climate change.

Kert Davies, Greenpeace. Kert will discuss two recent Greenpeace reports, Dealing in Doubt a chronology of the 20 year campaign targeting climate science and Koch Industries: Secretly funding the denial machine.

Union of Concerned Scientists. A representative from UCS will discuss their “Weight of the Evidence Campaign” an effort to mobilize climate scientists across the country to reclaim the debate on global warming.

Briefing will be followed by Q and A.

To join the tele-briefing call: (605) 475-4825, Participant Access Code: 866886#

Straight Up - Climate Politics and Earth Day 1

Mon, 19 Apr 2010 16:00:00 GMT

Featured Author: Joseph Romm, author, Straight Up; Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress Action Fund

Moderated by: John Podesta, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for American Progress Action Fund

There could not be a better time for Joseph Romm, acclaimed climate blogger and former acting assistant secretary of energy during the Clinton administration, to release his new book, Straight Up: America’s Fiercest Climate Blogger Takes on the Status Quo Media, Politicians, and Clean Energy Solutions.

As we approach the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, the scientific realities about the warming of our world are becoming increasingly dire, an epic legislative battle looms in the Senate over whether the United States will be part of the solution or perpetuate the problem, and the mainstream media—hemorrhaging qualified science and environmental reporters—is paralyzed and unable to effectively inform a public that increasing seeks out information from online sources and the ever-expanding blogosphere.

Amid this backdrop, please join Dr. Joseph Romm in conversation with Center for American Progress Action Fund President and CEO John Podesta as they take on the science, the politics, the solutions, and the media. Copies of Straight Up will be available for purchase at the event.

Admission is free.

However, space is extremely limited. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis and not guaranteed.

RSVP required. RSVP to attend this event: 202-682-1611

Center for American Progress Action Fund
1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005

Energy Tax Incentives Driving the Green Job Economy

Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:00:00 GMT

The hearing will examine the effectiveness of current energy tax policy and identify additional steps that the Committee can take to ensure continued job growth in this area while at the same time advancing national energy policy focus on a discussion of current and proposed energy tax incentives.

The Role of Coal in a New Energy Age

Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:30:00 GMT

As Congress continues to push for a comprehensive clean energy and climate bill, questions remain regarding the coal industry’s position on the essential science of climate change and their potential to provide cleaner, lower-carbon fuel in the decades to come. The House-passed Waxman-Markey bill offered a pathway for coal to transition to carbon capture and sequestration technologies.

The coal mining industry has seen significant developments over the last two weeks. A mining accident in West Virginia has renewed questions about the safety of coal extraction, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has offered new rules on the environmental and health impacts of mountaintop mining.

  • Gregory Boyce, President and Chief Executive Officer, Peabody Energy Corporation
  • Steven F. Leer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Arch Coal, Inc.
  • Preston Chiaro, Chief Executive for Energy and Minerals, Rio Tinto
  • Michael Carey, President, Ohio Coal Association
  • House Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee 210 Cannon
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Climate Wise Women Tour: Georgetown

Wed, 07 Apr 2010 22:00:00 GMT

In April 2010, Climate Wise Women from the South Pacific Islands, Uganda and Biloxi, Mississippi will begin a 30-city, 18-country speaking tour in the Americas. These community activists can’t wait for politicians and governmental negotiators to get it right on climate change. They want straight talk on what climate change is doing to women, children, families and communities around the world. The tour continues to Asia / the Pacific in Fall 2010 and to Europe in Spring 2011.


Reiss Science Bldg Rm 112 6-8:00pm

Climate Wise Women Tour: Johns Hopkins

Wed, 07 Apr 2010 00:00:00 GMT

In April 2010, Climate Wise Women from the South Pacific Islands, Uganda and Biloxi, Mississippi will begin a 30-city, 18-country speaking tour in the Americas. These community activists can’t wait for politicians and governmental negotiators to get it right on climate change. They want straight talk on what climate change is doing to women, children, families and communities around the world. The tour continues to Asia / the Pacific in Fall 2010 and to Europe in Spring 2011.


Johns Hopkins
1717 Mass. Ave NW Rm LL7

How to Use Social Media to Drive Growth for Sustainable Products

Tue, 06 Apr 2010 21:30:00 GMT

A lively discussion moderated by Kate Sheppard of Mother Jones will take place from 5:30-6:30 followed by a cocktail reception at Helix Lounge featuring drink and food specials.


  • Sacha Cohen is President of grassfed media, an integrated communications firm that helps green companies create compelling content, marketing materials, and social media campaigns. She is also the founder of
  • Jennifer Kaplan is adjunct faculty in Marketing at Marymount University, blogger for, and author of the new book,Greening Your Small Business.
  • Diane MacEachern is a communications professional, speaker and accomplished writer. Diane is passionate about empowering consumers — especially women — to use their marketplace clout to protect the environment. Diane is the author of Big Green Purse: Use Your Spending Power to Create a Cleaner, Greener World.
  • Lynn Miller is a green marketing consultant and founder of, a blog “devoted to cutting through the hype andfiguring out when it makes sense to lay out the big bucks for organic and green purchases. Lynn also tweets with a business focus at @4GreenPs.
  • Adam Shake is Editor-in-Chief of Simple Earth Media and founder of Twilight Earth and EcoTech Daily. He is an environmental writer, advocate, entrepreneur, speaker and Washington DC-based activist. Adam is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, and an active participant in a number of environmental and social media clubs and organizations.


Kate Sheppard is an environmental reporter and blogger at Mother Jones. Kate’s inside the beltway muckraking on the energy industry and the Chamber of Commerce make her a must follow for anyone interested in the business and politics of green and greenwashing.

Helix Lounge
Hotel Helix
1430 Rhode Island Ave NW

2010 Energy Conference: Short-Term Stresses, Long-Term Change

Tue, 06 Apr 2010 04:00:00 GMT

For the first time, the U.S. Energy Information Administration is hosting a major energy conference in partnership with the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University. The conference attracts U.S. and international attendees from government, industry, non-profit organizations, the media, and academia.

2010 Energy Conference with Keynotes
  • Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy
  • Dr. Lawrence H. Summers, Director of the National Economic Council
Session Moderator
U.S. Climate Change Policy: What’s Next After Copenhagen Richard Newell (EIA Administrator)
Short-Term Energy Prices — What Drivers Matter Most? Howard Gruenspecht (EIA Deputy Administrator)
The Energy-Water Nexus: Availability and Impacts Howard Gruenspecht
EIA’s 2010 Annual Energy Outlook Highlights John Conti (EIA)
Regulating Energy Commodities Steve Harvey (EIA)
Biofuels: Continuing Shifts in the Industry and Long-Term Outlook Michael Schaal (EIA)
Natural Gas: U.S. Markets in a Global Context Glen Sweetnam (EIA)
Smart Grid: Impacts on Electric Power Supply and Demand Joseph Paladino (DOE, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability)
Energy and the Economy Adam Sieminski (Deutsche Bank)
Energy Efficiency: Measuring Gains and Quantifying Opportunities Deborah Bleviss (School of Advanced International Studies)
Confirmed speakers
  • Paul N. Argyropoulos (Environmental Protection Agency)
  • David M. Arseneau (Federal Reserve Board)
  • Thomas Beauduy (Susquehanna River Basin Commission)
  • Guy Caruso (Center for Strategic and International Studies)
  • Brooke Coleman (New Fuels Alliance)
  • John Conti (EIA)
  • Sean Cota (Cota & Cota)
  • Tom R. Eizember (Exxon Mobil Corporation)
  • Michelle Foss (University of Texas)
  • Peter Gross (EIA)
  • Jason Grumet (Bipartisan Policy Center)
  • Karen Harbert (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
  • M. Michael Hightower (Sandia National Laboratories)
  • Skip Horvath (Natural Gas Supply Association)
  • Gina McCarthy (Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Edward L. Morse (Credit Suisse Securities)
  • Deanna L. Newcomb (McDermott Will & Emery LLP)
  • Mary Novak (IHS Global Insight)
  • Matthew C. Rogers (DOE)
  • Timothy D. Searchinger (Princeton University)
  • Benjamin Schlesinger (Benjamin Schlesinger and Associates/Galway Group)
  • Andrew Slaughter (Shell)
  • Glen Sweetnam (EIA)
  • Jeff Wright (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)

International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20004

Putting a Predictable Price on Carbon: Opportunities for Bipartisan Agreement

Wed, 24 Mar 2010 17:30:00 GMT

Opening remarks
  • Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
  • Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)
  • Steve Kline, Vice President, Corporate Environmental and Federal Affairs, PG&E
  • Mike Parr, Senior Manager, Federal Affairs, Dupont
  • Michael Schnitzer, Economic Policy Advisor, Entergy (Northbridge Group)
  • Amit Ronen, Deputy Chief of Staff, Senator Cantwell
Moderated by
  • Jason Grumet, President, The Bipartisan Policy Center

RSVP here.

Opportunities to Improve Energy Security and the Environment through Transportation Policy

Wed, 24 Mar 2010 14:00:00 GMT

Wednesday’s hearing is one in a series as the committee develops the next surface transportation authorization bill.


Panel 1
  • John D. Porcari, Deputy Secretary of Transportation, United States Department of Transportation
  • Regina McCarthy, Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, United States Environmental Protection Agency
Panel 2
  • Larry Greene, Executive Director/Air Pollution Control Officer, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
  • Deron Lovaas, Federal Transportation Policy Director, Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Doug Siglin, Federal Affairs Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
  • Richard (Rich) R. Kolodziej, President, NGVAmerica
  • Senate Environment and Public Works Committee 406 Dirksen
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