Clean Power: Building a New Clean Energy Economy
Chairman Edward J. Markey will host President Obama’s top climate, energy and science advisers along with other energy experts at a forum at MIT on Monday, April 13 to discuss the future of clean energy in national policy and in the Massachusetts economy. They will discuss clean energy solutions for creating jobs, improving our national security and protecting our planet from global warming. Last week, Rep. Markey released draft legislation that will be the main congressional vehicle to push clean energy technologies and create millions of new jobs.
Speakers- Chairman Edward J. Markey (D-Malden), Chairman of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming and Energy and Environment Subcommittee
- Carol Browner, Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change
- John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology
- Ernest J. Moniz, Professor of Physics and Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor, MIT
- Dr. Susan Hockfield, President, MIT
- Daniel Yergin, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates
- Massachusetts clean energy CEOs and others
Wong Auditorium, Tang Center, Building E51, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cap and Dividend Conference Call
Please join us Friday, April 10th at noon (eastern time) for a national conference call to learn about one of most exciting climate bills ever introduced in the U.S. Congress. Do you want a STRONG carbon cap? Do you want 100% auction of carbon permits? Do you oppose carbon offsets and the complications they can cause? Do you also want to help protect Americans, especially low-income families, from rising energy prices?
Then you owe it to yourself to join this national conference call on Friday. Learn more about how a “cap and dividend” process will work. Learn why, to be effective, a national carbon cap must be simple, fair, and built to last. Learn about the legislation just introduced by Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), a powerful leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Featured speakers on the call will include- Michael Noble, executive director of Fresh Energy in Minnesota
- Mike Tidwell, executive director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network in Maryland/Virginia
The call-in number is: 877-363-2003, code 1051052115
The call is sponsored by:- Montana Environmental Information Center (MT)
- Fresh Energy (MN)
- Penn Future (PA)
- New Energy Economy (NM)
- Center for Civic Policy (NM)
- Climate Protection Campaign (CA)
- Chesapeake Climate Action Network (MD/VA/DC)
- Plains Justice (IA)
- New York Public Interest Research Group (NY)
- South Carolina Coastal Conservation League (SC)
- Ohio Citizen Action (OH)
Learn more about the cap and dividend concept at For further information, email George Abar at or Ted Glick at
Climate Equity Alliance launches to advocate for most vulnerable
More than two dozen organizations, including well-respected groups from the research, advocacy, faith-based, labor and civil rights communities, have come together to ensure that emerging climate legislation protects and provides opportunity for society’s most vulnerable individuals and families. The Climate Equity Alliance unites around shared concerns about the effects of climate change and climate change legislation on low- and moderate-income households. Alliance members believe climate legislation should both help to build an inclusive green economy — providing pathways to prosperity and expanding opportunity for America’s workers and communities — and ensure that low- and moderate-income people receive relief from the higher energy costs that will result, so that they are not pushed into poverty or made poorer.
This conference call for reporters will unveil the Climate Equity Alliance and present the principles drawing these groups together, with particular attention to how policymakers should move forward following the draft legislation introduced by Representatives Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Edward Markey (D-MA).
Speakers:- Robert Greenstein, Executive Director, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO, Green For All
- Gerry Hudson, Executive Vice President, SEIU
- Other speakers TBA
Click here to register for this conference call.
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Center for American Progress
- Service Employees International Union
- National Hispanic Environmental Council
- Oxfam America
- First Focus
- Economic Policy Institute
- Redefining Progress
- US Action
- Coalition on Human Needs
- The Workforce Alliance
- Center for Law and Social Policy
- The Washington Office of Public Policy, Women’s Division, United Methodist Church
- Union for Reform Judaism
- National Low Income Housing Coalition
- Policy Link
- Citizens for Tax Justice
- Enterprise Community Partners
2009 Energy Conference: A New Climate For Energy
The 2009 EIA conference is being held April 7-8 at the Washington Convention Center.
Please register onsite at the Walter E Washington Convention Center starting at 7:30am on Tuesday, April 7th.
Wednesday agenda7:30 AM | Registration and Badging | ||||||
Concurrent Sessions | |||||||
9:00 AM |
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10:30 AM | Break | ||||||
11:00 AM |
2009 Energy Conference: A New Climate For Energy
The 2009 EIA conference is being held April 7-8 at the Washington Convention Center.
Please register onsite at the Walter E Washington Convention Center starting at 7:30am on Tuesday, April 7th.
Tuesday agenda7:30 AM | Registration and Badging | ||||||
9:00 AM | Plenary | ||||||
Welcome – Howard Gruenspecht Acting Administrator, Energy Information Administration Keynote Address – Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy Energy and the Macroeconomy – William D. Nordhaus, Sterling Professor of Economics, Yale University Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World – John W. Rowe, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Exelon Corporation | |||||||
10:30 AM | Break | ||||||
Concurrent Sessions | |||||||
11:00 AM |
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12:30 PM | Lunch Break | ||||||
1:45 PM |
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3:15 PM | Break | ||||||
3:30 PM |
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5:00 PM | Adjourn |
Public Hearing on Proposed Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule
The first of the two public hearings on its proposed mandatory registry for greenhouse gases will be held Monday, April 6, 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Tuesday, April 7, 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Arlington, Virginia. Logistical information to facilitate your attendance is provided below. Pre-registration especially for those wishing to make public comments is recommended due to time and capacity limitations. All visitors will need to go through security and present a valid photo identification, such as a driver’s license. Once you arrive in the lobby level, you will be directed to the hearing’s location. EPA will also web stream the public hearing:
Hearing Location
Environmental Protection Agency
Conference Center — Lobby Level
One Potomac Yard (South Building)
2777 S. Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
For information on access or services for individuals with disabilities, and to request accommodation of a disability, please contact Carole Cook at 202-343-9263 or via email at at least 10 days prior to the meeting to provide ample time to process your request.
Happy Hour: Making Finance Sustainable
Please come to the inaugural Hill Heat Happy Hour at the Reef in Adams Morgan, to drink Manhattans and discuss Copenhagen, and mix beers with biochar. Our special guest speaker will be Jerome Guillet, a top wind energy financier and sustainable energy blogger. In a brief presentation, Making Finance Sustainable, Jerome will discuss how to avoid another global financial meltdown and what barriers exist to the financing of the renewable energy sector.
Jerome Guillet is a French investment banker based in Paris, specializing in the energy sector, and more specifically on wind power. He blogs as “Jerome a Paris” on DailyKos and other sites and is editor of the European Tribune (, a website and European politics and international affairs, and contributing editor to The Oil Drum (, a website focused on energy. He’s also a member of the “Energize America” Netroots effort to draft a sane energy policy.
The Reef
2446 18th St NW
Washington, DC 20009
Blue Green Alliance Partners Unveil and Discuss New Recommendations for Comprehensive Cap-and-Trade Climate Change Legislation in 2009
With the U.S. facing combined threats from economic and climate crises, the Blue Green Alliance and its labor and environmental partners are releasing their policy recommendations calling for passage of comprehensive climate legislation, driven by a cap-and-trade system, in 2009. Through strong climate legislation, America can jumpstart its economic recovery and create millions of good jobs for America’s workforce.
The press teleconference will be on Friday, March 27, at 10 a.m. ET and will coincide with the release of the BGA policy statement on climate change.
The call will include Leo Gerard, International President, United Steelworkers; Frances Beinecke, President, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC); Jim Clark, President, IUE-CWA; and David Foster, Executive Director of the Blue Green Alliance, who will discuss the urgency for climate change legislation, as well as the political and economic dynamics in the debate around this issue. Climate change legislation is needed in 2009 to rapidly put people back to work with millions of jobs building the clean energy economy, promote long-term economic growth and reduce global warming emissions to avoid the worst effects of climate change.
CALL-IN: (888) 275 – 4480 Reference ID #: 92215225
Participants- United Steelworkers International President Leo Gerard
- NRDC President Frances Beinecke
- IUE-CWA President Jim Clark
- Blue Green Alliance Executive Director David Foster
Nominations of Jonathan Z. Cannon to be Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and Thomas L. Strickland to be Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks of the Department of the Interior
Panel 1- Jonathan Z. Cannon, Nominated to be Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
- Thomas L. Strickland, Nominated to be Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Department of the Interior