A Reception for a Renewable Future/la Recepción para un Futuro Sostenible

Wed, 15 Oct 2008 22:00:00 GMT

NRDC, Organization of American States and PODER Magazine

  • José Miguel Insulza, Organization of American States Secretary General
  • Alvaro Umana, UN Energy and Environment Group Leader
  • Peter Lehner, NRDC Executive Director
  • Maria Hinojosa, NPR Award-winning Journalist

Cocktail reception, live Latin jazz and a special dance presentation

OAS Historic Building – 17th & Constitution Avenue NW

RSVP: Richard Ackerman rackerman@nrdc.org

Climate Change and the World Bank – Help or Hindrance?

Thu, 09 Oct 2008 14:00:00 GMT

With the launch of the Climate Investment Funds, the World Bank has positioned itself as a major player in international climate funding and policy. Speakers on this panel will discuss the World Bank’s past, current, and potential future role in climate change, including examinations of the Bank from Southern country perspectives. The implications of the World Bank’s role for both U.S. climate policy and the financing mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will also be discussed.

Speakers may include:
  • Elena Gerebizza, Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale (Italy)
  • Lidy Nacpil, Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (Philippines)
  • Chima Williams, Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth-Nigeria
  • Vice Yu, Global Governance for Development Programme, South Centre

Moderator: Karen Orenstein, Friends of the Earth-US

Sponsored by ActionAid USA, Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale, Friends of the Earth International, Jubilee USA, Oil Change International, and Sustainable Energy and Economy Network.

Location: Friends of the Earth-US, 1717 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC

For more information, please contact Karen Orenstein, International Finance Campaign Coordinator, Friends of the Earth US, korenstein@foe.org, 202-222-0717.

Green Jobs Now National Conference Call

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 17:00:00 GMT

Last Saturday, September 27, tens of thousands of Americans organized nearly 700 Green Jobs Now events in all 50 states calling upon their elected officials to make an inclusive green economy a top priority. The national day of action may now be over, but our movement is just beginning! Join 1Sky Campaign Director Gillian Caldwell, Green for All President and Founder Van Jones, and We Campaign CEO Cathy Zoi for a national conference call this Friday to discuss how we can build upon the momentum from September 27.

Please RSVP here for this call. You will receive the call in number via e-mail upon completion of the form.

Have questions for the guest speakers? Email them in advance to josh@greenforall.org.

USCHPA Annual Meeting

Thu, 02 Oct 2008 11:00:00 GMT

Join USCHPA for a strategy session featuring policymakers, practitioners, financiers and pundits discussing the future of clean energy technologies and offering guidance on ways to maximize the role of clean heat and power as a solution to climate change.

Tentative Agenda

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
  • Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM
  • Welcome Back, Jessica Bridges, Executive Director, USCHPA
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
  • Future Market Opportunities for Energy Efficiency

Session Leader: Paul Thomsen, USCHPA Vice Chairman and Director of Policy and Business Development, Ormat Technologies This session will address the future of clean heat and power from the C-level perspective. Where are the big opportunities? Will increasing climate change sensitivities, carbon reduction initiatives, and fuel prices align to create the perfect opportunity for energy efficient technologies? If so, what do CEOs need and want from Wall Street?

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
  • Financial Forecast for Clean Heat and Power

Session Leader: Justin Rathke, Director, Policy and Business Development, Capstone Turbine Corporation

Policymakers, industry, and the general public are all talking carbon reduction; what’s the financial impact? How is industry reacting to, and where does Wall Street stand on a potential U.S. carbon trading regime? This session will focus on industry trends for clean heat and power from an investor perspective.

10:00 AM – 10:15 AM
  • Break
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
  • International Perspectives on CHP: How to Lead Not Follow

Session Leader: Richard Brent, Government Affairs, Solar Turbines, Inc The U.S. could learn a thing or two about combined heat and power (CHP) deployment from our peers on the world stage. Panelists in this session will focus on best practices and lessons learned from international leaders in the deployment of CHP, and recommend strategies for U.S. industry and policymakers to follow to realize the levels of CHP success achieved in other countries.

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Closing Remarks – Moving Forward

Paul Thomsen, USCHPA Vice Chairman and Director of Policy and Business Development, Ormat Technologies

12:00 Noon
  • Adjourn

DoubleTree Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia

American Climate Values Survey briefing

Wed, 01 Oct 2008 12:30:00 GMT

The American Climate Values Survey is cutting edge, actionable research that provides important strategic guidance to leaders of the environmental movement looking to reach new audiences or be more effective with their communications efforts.

For questions, please contact Kara Davidson (202-457-1126) or events@ecoamerica.org.

ACVS is sponsored by NRDC, the Alliance for Climate Protection, EcoAmerica, California Conservation, and the Nature Conservancy.

The Nature Conservancy First Floor Conference Center 4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203-1606

USCHPA Annual Meeting

Wed, 01 Oct 2008 11:00:00 GMT

Join USCHPA for a strategy session featuring policymakers, practitioners, financiers and pundits discussing the future of clean energy technologies and offering guidance on ways to maximize the role of clean heat and power as a solution to climate change.

Tentative Agenda

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
  • Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM – 8:30 AM
  • Welcome, Jessica Bridges, Executive Director, USCHPA
Chairman’s Report
  • David Dewis, USCHPA Chairman and Vice President, Calnetix

Introduction of Castelaz Scholars

8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
  • Keynote Address, U.S. Senator Thomas Carper* (D-DE), Chairman, Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee

A long-time champion of CHP, Senator Carper will discuss Congressional priorities for reducing air pollution and addressing climate change in the 111th Congress.

9:15 AM – 10:30 AM
  • Carbon Policy and the Next Administration

Session Leader: Paul Lemar, Chair, USCHPA Carbon Policy Working Group and President, Resource Dynamics, LLC Trade or Tax? It’s coming. Mr. Lemar will present the recommendations of USCHPA’s Carbon Policy Working Group and lead a discussion on the prospects for carbon policy under a President McCain or President Obama.

10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
  • Break
10:45 AM – Noon
  • Implementing the Industrial Energy Efficiency Provisions of “EISA” 2007: Roundtable and Open Forum

Session Leader: Dick Munson, Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning and Public Affairs, Recycled Energy Development

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 authorized several programs to support industrial energy efficiency applications, including CHP and waste energy recovery. Join us for this status report on the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to implement the Waste Energy Registry, and the Department of Energy’s preparations to implement the $200 Million Waste Energy Incentive Grant Program and ongoing efforts to support the “Clean Energy Application Centers”.

Noon – 1:00 PM
  • Buffet Lunch
1:30 PM – 2:15 PM
  • Second Keynote Address, Dan Reicher*, Director for Climate Change and Energy Initiatives, Google.org

Mr. Reicher is a former Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and helmed EERE when the 1998 CHP Challenge to reach 92 GW by 2010 was adopted. Hear what this thought leader has to say about U.S. progress on energy efficiency over the last decade and where, from Google’s perspective, clean heat and power fits into the global climate change solution.

2:15 PM – 3:30 PM
  • New Congress: A New Day for Clean Heat and Power?

Session Leader: Erik Prince, Director – Government Relations, Cummins, Inc. Clean heat and power has gained significant recognition and support in the 110th Congress. This panel will feature Capitol Hill insiders and policy experts discussing opportunities for continuing that trend in the 111th. Participants will address the continuing legislative push to secure tax incentives for CHP, and discuss prospects for funding CHP programs in light of serious budgetary limitations and the added distractions of an election year.

3:30 PM – 3:45PM
  • Break
3:45 PM – 5:00 PM
  • State and Regional Policy Forum

Session Leaders: Suzanne Watson, Policy Director, ACEEE and Ted Bronson, President, Power Equipment Associates This interactive session will showcase “best practices” from the state and regional level that have identified clean heat and power as a solution to carbon reduction and provided incentives for the deployment of clean energy technologies as a means of mitigating the impact of climate change.

5:00 PM – 5:30 PM
  • Presentation of CHP Champion Awards
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Cocktail Reception
8:00 PM
  • CEO Dinner (Invitation Only)

DoubleTree Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia

Green Jobs Now Day of Action

Sat, 27 Sep 2008 04:00:00 GMT

On September 26, we will watch the first presidential debate of this election.

The next day, the candidates will watch us.

On Saturday, September 27, we’re launching a national mobilization to say, “I’m ready for the green economy.” We are ready to tackle the climate crisis by building a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.

Green Jobs Now is a National Day of Action that will empower everyday people to stage hundreds of grassroots events throughout the country. We will have a special focus on low-income communities, communities of color and indigenous people. This will send a message to our leaders that, when it comes to creating green jobs for a more sustainable economy, PEOPLE ARE READY!

Right now, there are millions of people ready to work and countless jobs to be done that will strengthen our economy at home. There are thousands of buildings that need to be weatherized, solar panels to be installed, and wind turbines to be erected. There communities that need local and sustainable food and people ready to farm the crops. There are public transit systems and smart electricity grids in need of engineers and electricians. Americans are ready to build the new economy. It’s time to invest in saving the planet and the people. It’s time for green jobs now!

Accelerating Atmospheric CO2 Growth from Economic Activity, Carbon Intensity, and Efficiency of Natural Carbon Sinks

Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:00:00 GMT

What is the relationship between economic activity and CO2 growth? What is carbon intensity and how does it relate to economic activity? What are the trends in CO2 growth, carbon intensity, and changes in the efficiency of natural reservoirs to store carbon? How does the growth in CO2 compare to the various estimates of CO2 growth contained in the most recent IPCC assessment of climate change? What is permafrost and what is the extent of permafrost thaw in the Arctic? Is permafrost thaw a response to global warming and if so, what is the future likely to hold? Will permafrost thaw result in the release of additional CO2 into the atmosphere from Arctic soils? If so, what is the impact likely to be on global warming? How much carbon is stored in Arctic soils? Assuming that the Arctic continues to warm well above the global average, what is the likely fate of that soil carbon and how might it influence climate in the future?

  • Dr. Anthony Socci, Senior Science Fellow, American Meteorological Society
  • Dr. Josep (Pep) Canadell, Executive Director, Global Carbon Project, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Marine and Atmospheric Research, Canberra, Australia
  • Dr. Vladmir Romanovsky, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK
  • Dr. Howard Epstein, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Responding to Climate Change: A Role for Ecosystems

Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:30:00 GMT

With a growing number of reports show that climate change will impact human health, economic and national security, and agricultural and natural resource management, scientists and policymakers are now considering how to regulate carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. Legislation has been introduced to implement cap and trade systems and carbon taxes, and to promote carbon sequestration. Informed policy decisions require that policymakers understand the potential role of ecosystems in mitigating the problems caused by carbon emissions.

Join internationally recognized ecosystem researchers to learn what ecosystem science can tell us about carbon sequestration.

  • Dr. Robin Graham – Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Environmental Policy and Carbon Sequestration by Ecosystems
  • Ken Buesseler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Ocean Fertilization: Ironing Out Uncertainties in Climate Engineering
  • Peter Curtis: The Ohio State University: Forest carbon storage in the upper Midwest: Lessons from the past and predictions for the future
  • J. Patrick Megonigal, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: Carbon In, Methane Out: The Greenhouse Gas Balance of North American Wetlands
  • Charles Rice, Kansas State University: Carbon Sequestration in Agro-ecosystems
  • John Arnone, Desert Research Institute: Carbon Sequestration in Deserts
  • Dr. Thomas E. Jordan – Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; President, Association of Ecosystem Research Centers, Moderator

RSVP’s please contact Megan Kelhart at mkelhart@aibs.org.

For more information about this science briefing or the Association of Ecosystem Research Centers, please contact publicpolicy@aibs.org.

Room 3111, Smithsonian Institution Ripley Center

(Entrance is adjacent to the Smithsonian Castle on the National Mall)

Bush Administration Environmental Record at Department of Interior and Environmental Protection Agency

Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:30:00 GMT

Panel 1
  • Stephen Johnson (invited, witness to be determined), Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency
  • Lyle Laverty, Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife, Department of the Interior
Panel 2
  • Jamie Rappaport Clark, Executive Vice President, Defenders of Wildlife
  • Carl Pope, Executive Director, Sierra Club
  • Rev. Jim Ball Ph.D., President & CEO, Evangelical Environmental Network
  • Alan Schaeffer, Executive Director, Diesel Technology Forum
  • Norman James, Director, Fennemore Craig
  • Senate Environment and Public Works Committee 406 Dirksen
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